Get Out The Group Chat

TV Friends: Our Faves

Shavonia Lewis & Tanzania Black Season 2 Episode 9

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Prepare for a trip down memory lane with hosts Tanzania Black and Shavonia Marie as we celebrate our favorite TV shows centered around friendship. From the inspiring living situations in "Living Single" to the unique HBCU experiences in "A Different World," we highlight the humor and storytelling that make these shows special, with a special shout-out to "Girlfriends." This episode is a nostalgic ode to the cultural significance and personal impact of these beloved 90s TV hits, celebrating the friendships that have shaped us both on and off the screen.

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Speaker 1:

One, two, three, four. Get your friends about the group chat. Group chat.

Speaker 2:

Group chat Wave your passports in the air, air air. The devil. He don't like it. Stump that devil, stump that devil. Oh well, oh well, oh well, oh well, you stopped already. I never stopped. Yes, you did, I heard it.

Speaker 1:

Do not be a hater because I won. Oh my goodness y'all. Welcome to the last episode of Steven 2. I'm so sad. If you did not know, my name is Tantanian Black.

Speaker 2:

My name is Shavonna Marie and welcome to Get Out the Roop Chat. Yes, shavonna, we've made it to the last episode. Are you sad? I'm not sad. I am sad, I don't feel sadness at all.

Speaker 1:

I'm actually very, very, very, very, very, very excited about today's episode.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, and why are you?

Speaker 1:

Because we're talking about what. We're talking about our favorite TV shows that are about friendship. I love talking about TV shows and movies and all the things, so I'm excited to share with y'all some of our favorites Right.

Speaker 2:

So give me top three.

Speaker 1:

Top three Friendship based, like not my favorite TV shows in general over time, but my top three in no specific order, would be A Different World.

Speaker 2:

Okay, living Single, that's one of mine, and Martin Okay, so I will go Living Single. Martin and Girlfriends, girlfriends.

Speaker 1:

Those are really good shows.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, we did our girlfriends my no, but it was food friends oh yeah, we had somebody record a song and everything.

Speaker 1:

Who's who recorded?

Speaker 2:

it. I don't know, but we had somebody record food friends my food friends.

Speaker 1:

A bunch of fatties came together so, out of the three of your favorites, which is which is your top favorite?

Speaker 2:

or which one is the one you would suggest to someone to watch, like today in 2024 oh martin, I would say because I'm not, I love living single, so I would, I probably would say living singles, but I don't know, if it was too, I guess. Guess they both 90s, they're both very much 90s.

Speaker 2:

But I think I think Martin is more funnier. So I guess the fun vibe I think most people can kind of correlate with the fun vibe Living Single was like definitely storytelling, but it was funny though, no lie, but it was just more of a yeah, I'm trying to think about mine, which one I would choose.

Speaker 1:

But it was just more of a yeah, I'm trying to think about mine, which one I would choose. I like what you said about Martin. Yeah, martin is very, very funny.

Speaker 1:

But I think it's so funny but it's like 90s funny. That 90s funny because I do feel like it's timeless. But there's a lot of jokes and references that they make that if you weren't boring during that time or aware of culture, culture during then, that it'd be like wait, why is that so funny? Like there's episodes. Do you remember when the they thought the plumber was dead?

Speaker 2:

I love that one like plumber one was hilarious all that.

Speaker 1:

Like there's just I mean, there's parts that you can definitely connect with. Yeah, for me, living single is just I don't know you. You like have a tv show. That's just like it. It's just comfort, like I could just watch it eating, like it ain't a show that's going to stress me out, like.

Speaker 2:

I could just watch an episode laugh. Like it makes you feel like you're their friends, like in your living life with them, and I think that's where I got that from, from a young age of like, oh, I want my friends to be living together and hence why you know we had a whole apartment me, you and ikea living together and just it's that, like single life, we were single at the time we were young, we weren't doing anything.

Speaker 1:

Fun though, that was the only whack part like and living single. They was like going out they seemed like they was doing a lot like we just went to work and came home. You're right, because we showed like where did we go to the ugly swimming pool?

Speaker 1:

yeah, we, quite literally, we didn't really live up to what they were doing and living single, we did I also like the aspect of living single, the fact that some of their friends was male, so it wasn't just all girls like a show, like you know, I'm saying like it was a mixture, martin as well, like it was a mixture of like girlfriend's the only ones, but they still had, uh, what's the guy?

Speaker 2:

yeah, he was technically whatever william, yeah, kind of their friend too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, the reason why I love a different world I think the aspect that was different, of course, was that they were in college exactly but it gave the HBCU experience, so as someone who went to a PWI. Um, though I think I went to a great college, I feel like going to an HBCU would have been an experience that you could not have gotten anywhere else, and that's what I think.

Speaker 2:

I think like it's like dang should. I went to hbcu. I went to a private one at that like a private you went to a private hbcu, no private college like it was, just like oh now you're gonna public right, I should have really, like, I think, just tried it, just to see you know what I mean. Yeah, because, like you said, different world it gave that like they look like they had so much, so much fun.

Speaker 1:

They got to be themselves like, yeah, even the classes, the classes that they took they got to really learn about like right, black, america, african history and I feel like when you're going to a pwi, like there's very minimal, like there's minimal classes, that offers that. So now you're an adult and you're having to learn.

Speaker 2:

You know, learn stuff on your own, which there is anything wrong with that, but I just feel like just the culture of black america would have very much been so that's why I love a different world and that's why it's needed, though, like I feel like right now. What do they have? To be honest, like tv shows, friend shows, um, like what is out there for them to kind of.

Speaker 1:

So I think the last friend shows I can remember is insecure but it's no longer on air right now. So that's a really good show that shows you the legitimacy. I feel like their era was more like getting more into like the late 20s, like 30s so it showcases that really well but it's no longer on air, and then I would go, maybe Grown-ish is freeing.

Speaker 2:

So those are also some college age friends who are getting so Grown-ish, but it's also I think it's on it's final season um, um see, I can't think of any other friendship shows. Back then I feel you had martin girlfriends even. You know we like to talk about friends who took friends was a show.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but that was a show um you said one boy meets world.

Speaker 2:

I love boy meet world.

Speaker 1:

I think I grew up with that type of like that made it more what you consider fresh prince francis, or it was like it's family, more family. It was more family to me.

Speaker 2:

I don't think because him and jazzy just was friends, but I don't think it was like I wouldn't say per se friend friends yeah, but um, mostly all those were group like even, like you said, even um boy meets world. It was a group of friends. It was like at least four, four or five of them. So you know what I mean. Even when they moved on to college they still kept that kind of big group yeah.

Speaker 1:

And you really cannot forget Best Men, the Final Chapters Remember it became a series, I think it was on Peacock or whatever.

Speaker 1:

So that was really good.

Speaker 1:

I feel like we got to see friendship, not like 30s I think at this point they probably were in their 40s so you get to see adult friendships in their real lives, with careers, with kids and how they navigate it and actually you know how they stay connected, the ups and downs of divorces and like friendship breakups, like the whole thing, and so I think those things are important because in that, specifically in that show, you got to get the dynamic of like family, but you also got it of friends, and I think what's one thing people struggle with is being able to have both friendships and friends and life and careers and that sort of thing.

Speaker 1:

So I think shows like that, having that perspective on TV, gives people hope that OK, this is how they're navigating that, this is how they're prioritizing their time, so that you can do it also, which is why it sucks that there's not that many like TV shows anymore really about friendship, whether it be children, teenagers, 20s, 30s, 40s and all we're getting is a lot of reality TV. Nothing wrong with it, it's a vein for that and you're getting a lot of drama shows People die, killings, and I'm like it's some really great storylines, but can we like go back to like teaching normal?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like I figured out, like I was watching tv to figure out how I was to act in a relationship with a boy, like am I supposed to kick on my feet or what, and so I think it's important to have that type of representation in tv, because people are watching that from week to week. But also movies, yeah, right. So what are some of your favorite friendship movies?

Speaker 1:

um the one that you just said so best man, the actual movies, that's the wood. That's a good one. The wood is. It was great. Yeah, I like I love the wood.

Speaker 2:

That's good even the one. What's the waiting to exhale with the?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That was like it's way to exhale girl strip girl is the reason why I got all the girls wanting to go to essence, yeah, um, so girl's trip was a really good one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel like there's some hasn't been any new ones.

Speaker 2:

But hence, you know, shameless plug.

Speaker 1:

That's why you know we in our field, that we're trying to do, you know, guys we're actually creating a movie about friendship um, and if you would like to donate to that, all you gotta do is let us know that it is giving a different perspective um it's the christian perspective. I think a lot of people um don't know what it's like to legitimately be a christian and have friends and what life looks like, what it looks like to have fun, what it looks like to go through things, that whole experience.

Speaker 1:

So we wanted to create a movie, um, that showcases that, because we I mean, of course, if you're watching this podcast, you know how much we believe- in friendship and in community. And so yeah, that's just a little shameless plug.

Speaker 2:

I gotta put that out, the last episode. We're gonna throw that out there.

Speaker 1:

Um, and this is to the movie producers like I get it. You know, people want the romance, they want, they want relationships right we like the drama, we like the crazy stories, the kidnappings, clearly the murders, as well the cheating scandals like yeah okay, but can we like get back to some stuff that I actually helped?

Speaker 2:

the people give.

Speaker 1:

Give gen x and alpha something to look at you know, to help encourage them, to teach them on how to do friendship, because that's how I feel.

Speaker 2:

Like that that's what cosby in different world, um, even with martin, they made sure I think I remember hearing them say they wore black apparel, just so we could see that. You know what I mean. Like it just made you think like yo, like we, about something at the end of the day, you know what I mean and so I feel like if we can get back to that type of TV movie of telling those stories and uplifting and not, you know, all this killing and stuff like that, like yo and I think something again.

Speaker 1:

I think everything has its part, so there is an aspect of action and drama and that sort of thing, but I feel like there's a hole, there's a gap when it comes to like friendships and even, honestly, family TV shows and movies too, like I don't know, because I ain't got cable, no more, and all I'm relying on is all the streaming services, but it just it feels like there's not a lot of like family shows there's not a lot of friendship shows like even like my wife and kids, like it was nowhere near the cosby, but my wife and kids is flipping hilarious.

Speaker 2:

It is hilarious to this. Yes, I can probably watch that anytime, literally anytime, but yeah even oh, that's a raven oh yeah, like that's disney, but like that's so raven was a part of um even stevens.

Speaker 1:

I know it had a lot to do with his family, but I feel like there was friendship there. Yeah, um lizzie mcguire remember mean girls now they show you how not well, actually they kind of did a remake. They did a remake, yeah, yeah so it's, it's different things.

Speaker 2:

That's out there um showing you how to be a friend, how not to be a friend. Um, I just I think the tv movie industry just needs to step it up just a little bit on absolutely on producing more, because even in our um like looking in the world of godly, friendships and stuff and we're like we don't see it so it.

Speaker 1:

So now we're going to create it. We don't feel represented, so we're going to create it.

Speaker 2:

I heard somebody say that if it's not there, you create it yourself, and so that's why we're creating it ourselves to um, so that people can know. And so you know, people can be changed, life changed, family changed, all right. So this segment is called friendship stories, where we tell you a friendship story and you got to see do they need to leave the group chat or stay in the group chat? All right. So my friend of 20 years just recently got in a relationship a few months ago and I've noticed that we don't hang out as much anymore. I've reached out, but she's always with her boyfriend. I have tried to bring it up to her but she keeps suggesting that the relationship is new and that they are getting to know each other. Should I stay in the relationship or should I get out of the group chat? What are your thoughts?

Speaker 1:

What's your thoughts?

Speaker 2:

first I would say no, give the girl grace, she just got a boo. Um, I would not leave the group chat. Um, let her, you know know, marinate on the little you know relationship a little while. Um, because I I think some people don't know how to have a healthy boyfriend, new boyfriend and they don't know how, so you're gonna give them mercy by allowing them to not know how no, no, still tell them what you need.

Speaker 2:

You know I mean like express your feelings. At the end of the day, your feelings are valid. You know what I mean. So I feel like address your feelings, you know, let them know. Uh, but leaving a group chat for that because they got a new boyfriend, I wouldn't probably do that. Well, what are your thoughts? You ready to get out the group chat?

Speaker 1:

I'm I wouldn't say get out or say I would definitely pray and ask the lord for kind of guidance on what to do there. I would say this is that after you're approaching it and it continues and their excuses is new. We got to get to know each other. There is a chance that when they cross the line into marriage, the same thing will occur and it gets much, much easier when you get married to stay across that line and you kind of push your friends not to the side in a disrespectful way, but your full focus goes on the, on the person that you just married so I think it.

Speaker 1:

I mean honestly depends on a person, but it can. It can get interesting, you know someone because this is the thing though. There's 24 hours in a day, there's typically about 30 days in every month, and you have no ability to respond back to a text message. Hang out at least one of those days. You mean to tell me. It takes you every day of the week, every day of the month to connect and get to know this person no, not, and that's where it goes back to what we've been talking all season intentionality.

Speaker 2:

So now that person does have to schedule that.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, they said no, I hear what you're saying, but we're trying to get to know each other.

Speaker 2:

So the person did communicate, Okay, well then the person is letting you know that, hey, this is probably going to still happen. So either A remove yourself from this season of my life that I know I am going to strictly be about my boyfriend and you might have to remove yourself. Are you okay with that, though?

Speaker 1:

Um no See why.

Speaker 1:

Because, I'm telling you, I hear what you're saying and I have the right to hear you and you have the right to express that, but what that signals to me is yo, I was just a place filler until you got what you really wanted In your spare time, wanted you didn't in your in your spare time, you didn't have your man yet you didn't have that thing you wanted to fully focus your attention on. And so I was that place filler until that person came. So if I was truly your friend, you would not want whether it be a spouse or anything to to literally push me out of the way.

Speaker 2:

We're talking about a boyfriend here right, but boyfriends can lead to fiance's lead, correct?

Speaker 1:

so if you have no balance, as when he's your boyfriend, how you gonna have balance when that's your husband to?

Speaker 1:

me it's just a point. It could be a little red flag. Maybe we can call it pink, I don't know. But if my response to you saying, yo, it's been months and we hadn't hung out, we hadn't talked, and your response is, oh well, we're just getting to know each other, and not to say, girl, you right, I just been so consumed and so I love like, let's plan something out so we can spend. If your response is not that, then it lets me know everything you know.

Speaker 2:

So I kind of get what you're saying then. So if you're saying they're not responding by saying, hey, I see it, I recognize it and let's change it, then yes, okay, probably get out that group chat in a sense so what are you gonna be?

Speaker 1:

are you gonna be that girl to be like I got my man, I ain't going?

Speaker 2:

around my friend. I am very much. I am very much a people person. So I need around, be around people to I feel like, have that lively, bubbly personality. So I'm a people person. So unless we around people together, yeah, but yeah.

Speaker 1:

So you ain't going to get out of the group chat when you get a man.

Speaker 2:

Nah, I doubt it. Okay, I doubt it. Yeah, we shall see. We shall see. Let's see what 2024 holds.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you get a man this year, let's see All right.

Speaker 2:

Well, there's a man out there for.

Speaker 1:

Shalana. She likes him tall, with the beard dark skin. She wants somebody with a little animal. She wants you to also love the Lord, so if you're interested, all you gotta do is apply. Submit your resume onto our Instagram page. The email is there, so just send it and we'd love to look through it and we'll get back to you soon.

Speaker 2:

All right, and that's a wrap on season season two of Get Out the Group Chat. We made it, we made it.

Speaker 1:

Two seasons.

Speaker 2:

Thank y'all for liking subscribing. Thank y'all for everybody who did. Bestie Know my Bestie, the whole thing Joining close friends.

Speaker 1:

We've enjoyed you all we're excited and get ready for season three. We're gonna shake the table some more.

Speaker 2:

The table gonna be shook and really help y'all out, alright. Well, love y'all, love y'all. That's a wrap on season two. See y'all next time. Get out the crew chat Peace.

Speaker 1:

And in the words of Shavonna Chicken grease.

Speaker 2:

Oh my goodness, all right, y'all, love y'all.